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United Employees Purchase and Deliver Gifts to Over 150 Children in Need

HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. – United Federal Credit Union (United) employees partnered with The Storehouse to purchase and deliver gifts to over 150 children in need in Henderson County, North Carolina, as part of the Blessings in Boxes community initiative.

The Storehouse is a non-profit organization based in Hendersonville, that provides food and hygiene products to people with limited financial resources and, often, limited life skills. Its annual “Blessings in Boxes” program provides clothing and toys to children as well as coats, hats, gloves and blankets to anyone in need during the holiday season.

In November, United announced it would be partnering with The Storehouse again in support of the 2018 “Blessings in Boxes” program, donating over $5,000 to help purchase gifts.

“It’s truly an honor to partner with The Storehouse,” said United Market Vice President, Lee Beason. “The work they do each and every day to make our community better is an inspiration to us all. Blessings in Boxes is near and dear to our United employees, as we do our part to brighten the holidays for some very deserving children and families.”

In 2018, the “Blessings in Boxes” program served more than 2,100 children and over 750 families.

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